Magda Morgese Borys

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A secret to enjoying the holidays

As we are approaching Christmas, you are probably in the midst of the season frenzy with all the special work lunches, friends’ get-togethers, other Christmas events. Chances are that you have already over-indulged quite a bit and yet more is to come.

With still some two more weeks of celebrations to go, it is helpful to reflect on what truly matters - spending time and reconnecting with colleagues, friends and family.

Ultimately, at least for me, this season is about human connections, about cherishing the people in our lives. So, take a few minutes to think about who you cherish most in your life and make sure you spend time with these people while being fully present to celebrate the special bonds you have.

Having established that as a foundation, let’s talk about all the special food that this season brings. I would be the first one to tell you that this is not the time to go on a strict diet (unless, of course, your medical condition requires it). Food is an intimate part of the seasonal celebrations and often it also has a deeper, emotional meaning, as the food can truly transport us back to childhood memories. Maybe, you have some special family dishes that you only eat around this time of the year or maybe you make a special dish in memory of someone that is no longer here. Whatever it is, there is no denying that our relationship to this season’s food is rather complex.

So, no strict diet but I would also not advocate falling completely off the wagon of nurturing yourself with food that is good for you and a lifestyle that supports the best version of yourself. So, how to go about finding a balance in navigating the myriad of indulgences and treats that await you.

The bottom line is to choose your indulgences wisely. Rather than overdoing it on food and drink – just because it’s the holidays – pick the foods that have a special meaning for you and then when you have them, savour every bite – make it a true sensory experience, being totally mindful of the joy it brings you. At the same time, opt out of other things which may not serve you well and which are easier for you to forego.

There are a few things you can do to in addition to help your body maintain the right balance:

  • ensure you get a good quality sleep – 7 hours minimum

  • prioritise movement - plan some sport activities in your calendar (no time to go for a class? – there are plenty of short exercise sessions on You Tube that you can do at home – be it HIIT or yoga, so no excuse ;-))

  • always fast for 12 hours minimum in between your dinner and breakfast but after particularly late/heavy evening meals, try to extend this fast up to 15-16 hours (don’t overdo it – eat when you are hungry)

  • drink more water to speed up your metabolism and help your body to detoxify (minimum 8 glasses per day)

  • start your day on a right footing and have a glass of warm water with lemon juice, which has many benefits including aiding your digestion

  • up your intake of non-starchy vegetables (ideally, eat 2 servings with each meal)

  • try to limit carbohydrates - have at least one meal with no or low carbs

The list could go on, but these, in my view, are the key tips to help you deal with the load of extra calories and, more importantly, extra sugar. Feel free to share in comments what are your favourite holiday treats that you will indulge in this season. As for me, it will surely be the poppy seed cake my Mum makes and lots of pierogis ;-)


Hello! I am Magda and I work with people that are ready to transform their health and wellbeing. What are your health goals that you have not been able to reach? Read more about me and my services.


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