Posts tagged gut health
Eat for your immunity

In the midst of a second wave of Covid-19 pandemic, I thought it might be useful to discuss the top foods that can help us to boost our immunity. Check out my previous blogs on the topic here and here.

What we eat is critical for our health, and especially immunity. Why so? Our gut – or the ‘so-called gut microbiota - is packed with up to 80% percent of the body’s immune cells. The key is to keep this microbiota happy and in a top shape.

The first and the most important thing you can do is to do ‘no harm’.

I hate to say, “I told you so,” so I’ll turn to Mom, who has said it countless times: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s the meal that’s designed to supply a third of the macro and micro nutrients your body needs to run smoothly.

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All disease begins in the gut - Part 2

Today I would like to dive in into some basic principles of Ayurveda when it comes to gut health. This post is a follow-up to this earlier one, so make sure you check it out. Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu system of medicine, philosophy, and “science of life” (which is what Ayur-veda literally translates to). Mind and body are considered as one and, thus, emotions and thoughts are believed to influence what happens in the body.

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